
Our location is more than 2.500 m² large. It provides anything you need for a pleasurable and relaxable stay. Our wellness portfolio includes various saunas, indoor- and outdoor pools, lounge areas, erotic cinema, fire place room and massage rooms with professional services. Daypass costs € 75 and it comes with a snack buffet with various meals, softdrinks and hot beverages. We also offer alcoholic beverages like beer, wine and longdrinks for reasonable price. We also organize parties with changing themes every 4-6 weeks. Our guests appreciate great specials like live sex shows, delicious buffets, cocktails bars and many more! Follow us on facebook or visit our homepage regularly to stay up to date with any news about ATMOS Saunaclub!
Großmoorring 1
21079 Hamburg
Daily from 1 pm to 4 am,
362 days per year
Tel.: 040/3038650
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